CCS Update July 2020

Date:     July 24, 2020
To:         CCS Customers
From:    Jack Counts, Jr.
WOW – What a great CCS Summer Seminar!  It was terrific having so many customers participate.  We worked hard at CCS to prepare for our first major CCS Zoom Seminar, so it was very motivating to us to see so many familiar faces and voices interested in improving their businesses.  Thank you.

Personally, I learned a great deal from the presentations, comments, and questions and I hope you did as well. I was very proud of the entire CCS staff, their positive attitudes, and how well they prepared for this event. I also appreciated the customers who participated in presentations.

We appreciate all the positive feedback we have received as people have noticed that we have continued to develop new, improved business methods and tools, and totally new products for our CCS customers.

We sincerely value our customers and we are committed to your success.  You are our friends and partners.  We cannot succeed without you succeeding.  Together, we will weather this storm and come out of it with the lead over all others.

Clearly, there are a lot of changes and uncertainty in the world today.  However, we are convinced that if we all keep learning, keep pivoting as necessary, keep working hard, and keep encouraging each other, we will come out of this troubled time in the best position.

The new Candid Color Systems that maximize sales and minimize the need for labor are making photographing events more profitable than ever.  We cannot wait to see them more widely used. Like you, we are disappointed with the number of photo opportunities occurring at the moment. However, we believe that this situation provides opportunities for those who hustle, strengthen old relationships and build new ones, and who are intent to grow their market share.

Across the country, we see the status of events change constantly.  To succeed, we must keep our antenna up, ears to the ground, and be in contact with every potential client.  We must be the first to know of opportunities as they pop up and be ready to pounce!
We will continue our focus on keeping our employees safe and being able to deliver products for our customers. We will continue to have a good deal of our staff work from home, follow all cleanliness protocols, socially distance, and wear masks!  Of course, we hope to see you all sell a lot of masks over the next few months, too!


Jack Counts Jr.