Tag: Email


As Jack has said in our Winter Conference and in his past newsletter, adding families into your photo shoots, add up to BIG MONEY! We wanted to make a flyer/email available to you to download and use in marketing those extra shots to your schools this spring! We are making a Cap & Gown FAMILIES ...

NEW Email to engage schools in safe & virtual ceremony options

Use this email to start a discussion with schools on how you can provide them with safe and virtual graduation ceremony options. This email gives schools tons of options to choose from! Get the email here

Changes to Email/Text Message Sends

Effective 9/12/2019 at 3:00pm CT we changed when CCS sends emails and text messages to 10:00am CT. Thursday, 9/12, was the last set of emails/texts going out at 3:00pm. After analyzing our online traffic data, and looking at best practices, we believe that this change will increase our open rates and lead to more orders. We are excited about the move to 10am CT and will be ...