Outdoor Studio Lighting Portraits in a Pop-Up Tent

This week, Candid Color Photography will begin photographing sorority composite portraits. We normally take the studio portraits inside with a multi-light setup and then take a bonus outdoor portrait in front of the house in a scenic location.

Access inside most of the houses is restricted because of COVID this year, so we will be doing many of the studio portraits outside under a white 10’x10’ pop-up tent. The trick is to cut the ambient/available light down so the studio lighting is the dominant light source hitting the subject. The camera is set to ISO 100, 1/250 Shutter Speed and f/16 Aperture.

Our lighting has to match last year’s portraits since some of the members might not be able to make their session and will have to use the previous year’s photo. If they differ, we will end up with a polka-dot effect on the composite board. Lights are set at f/11.7 for the Main, f/8 for the fill and f/8 for the hair light.

Because of the ever present Oklahoma wind, we had to go with smaller 45” umbrellas so they fit in the confines of the tent walls and the tent is anchored to a fixed object. If they are outside the walls, even a light breeze can rip them apart. To cut down on the floor clutter, we eliminated the light stands and mounted the lights in the corners to the left and right sides of the camera using Bogen Magic Arms with Super Clamps. Our tests used Vagabonds to power the lights, but these will be switched to AC power because of the duration of the shooting hours.

The background is a white 5×12 Westcott X-Drop background clamped to the back of the tent. A black Westcott X-Drop background is positioned behind it to make it opaque and keep any light from filtering in so we can achieve the light gray look necessary for TKO cutouts.

Email steve@candid.com if you have any questions about this setup.