CCS November Update

Date: November 11, 2020

To: CCS Customers

From: Jack Counts, Jr.

First off, we hope you will join us next Tuesday, the 17th, on our CCS Zoom call at 3:00 pm CT. It will be a great time to share some business ideas and see some friendly faces.

We have had some interesting talks with CCS customers regarding Santa photos. Many customers are looking for a way to make money doing Santa pictures without having an actual Santa present due to COVID limitations.

It was suggested that we need a low cost, high volume way of putting a great Santa in our pictures. We discussed that this could possibly be done with a high-quality shot of Santa, a festive Holiday background, and by placing the subject off to the side who would be cutout with TKO. See the example below:Steve Foisy and David Wall – our CCS inventive geniuses – worked on it and came up with a method utilizing TKO to cut the off-center subject out, and a great background with “licensed Santa” included in it. The images below are good examples of what we can do. For more information contact Steve Foisy at

We are creating more virtual groups than ever now due to social distancing. Virtual groups are a great solution but there are things you should be aware of when choosing your layout and titles when ordering.

Cristina O’Connor – our awesome support manager – wants everyone to understand the “double title” issues with virtual groups and how they can be avoided.

Products that already come with titles, like memory mates, can be a problem if you also put titles on your virtual groups. To avoid any double title problems when you are offering memory mates using virtual groups, order each virtual group with no title. Otherwise, you’ll end up with two titles, or more graphics than you want.
You can avoid this happening

The same goes for simple group pictures in the same offer utilizing the virtual groups. When offering titles on group photos, offer Sport Border prints, or just titled 8×10 and 5×7 prints which have their own graphics.

Have a good week – We hope to see you on next week’s CCS Zoom call.
