We have several customers giving this a try! It’s just extra money to be made, especially during the holidays. If you have a pet, you know they are just like your children!!! People spend tons of money on their pets each year. We’ve learned in past when CCS tied into several nationwide pet stores, there is money to be made! We have customers booking Photo Days at the Doggy Daycares in their area and offering a % of the proceeds to the Daycare. A WIN-WIN!
I have created a couple emails for Holiday and for All-Time use directed to Doggy Daycares, or any business that ties in with pets. The PSD and web JPGS are on MOM to download HERE. You can customize the offer, or change the verbiage to direct the emails toward retail customers vs. booking the places. The art/pictures will work for all purposes!
These emails are available in the CCS Campaign: CCSLeadGen_NOTRETAIL
- LeadGen.20.AllTimePetPortraits
- LeadGen.20.HolidayPetPortraits
Start booking those fur babies now…just in time for the Holidays and Greeting Cards!!