A Fresh New Approach to Church Programs — What a Blessing!

We’re excited about the enthusiasm shown during the Winter Conference presentation for our new CHURCH PICTURE PROGRAM! With 380,000 churches nationwide and the departure of Lifetouch shooting this market, we have an INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY to BOOK MORE, EARN MORE & WORK LESS!

We wanted to offer you a FULL PROGRAM where you can start booking churches NOW — ON YOUR TERMS as extra business. There has never been a better time to MODERNIZE the old-time church directory programs and move churches to an ONLINE DIRECTORY! Fortunately CCS has the perfect solution to do just that!!

With the ONLINE CHURCH DIRECTORY (just like celebration pages for grads) you have the ability to make it easier on you and the church! Even if they want to do a printed directory you can still give them a cd of the images to use as they wish. We want to simplify the process and make it profitable!

We have a wealth of materials available on Developments right HERE to download including:

  • CCS Program Flyer (benefits to you as the photographer)
  • Church Booking Flyer (benefits to church)
  • 3 Church Session Emails for church to send to members about sessions
  • A Church Advertising Email for church to send out to sell advertising on their online directory
  • 11X17 Church Session Poster that can be put up at the church to promote the upcoming Church Family Sessions.
  • 5X7 Church Session Flyer that can be put in church bulletins or handed out to promote the upcoming Church Family Sessions.

We have uploaded the PSDs for each piece to where you can customize them with the place, date and time. You can also add a QR code (if you have) for your booking page, and/or tout your registration website.

This market is YOURS for the taking! You NOW have a perfect program to start booking them TODAY!