24/7 Help is just a click away!

24/7 – Help is just a click away!

Need help? Have a question? Use the chat article search to find answers fast! In CORE on the bottom right corner of the page you will find a chat icon. Click it, then type keywords or questions into the “Find answers quickly” search field. To find information in our knowledge base.

Example: Have a question about PhotoMatch? Type PhotoMatch in the search. As you type, help articles will appear.

Locate the article that matches your search and click on it to open the article in our knowledge base. Articles contain, written, picture and/or video how-to information on your searched topic.

Don’t find what you need, click on the chat icon to chat with a Support rep. If outside of normal business hours, your chat will be replied to as soon as a rep. is available on the next business day.

We are continually updating and adding articles to our knowledge base, to make it easier and more efficient to find the help you need, when you need it.