Grad Products, Yard Signs & Spirit Sticks Emails + Default Offers
Two consolidated campaigns featuring Grad Products and Yard Signs & Spirit Sticks are now available in CORE. In the first campaign for Yard Signs & Spirit Sticks there are templates for just yard signs, just spirit sticks, and a combo email. In the next one, there are versions for the Grad Products with and without ...
Virtual Celebrations Resource Section
Introduction Letters Virtual Celebration Intro Letter - w/ address to products & solutions Virtual Celebration Intro Letter - w/out address The Ultimate Guidebook to Virtual & Safe Ceremonies - COLLEGE - w/psd files The Ultimate Guidebook to Virtual & Safe Ceremonies - High School - w/psd files Logos Safe Ceremonies Logos Safe Sessions Logos ...
Webinar Recording from Thursday, April 16
We covered 2 of our most SIMPLE and straightforward graduation and virtual ceremony options. Option 1 - YOU the photographer is able to capture professional images in some kind of modified ceremony like a Drive Thru Ceremony. And those pictures are used to create a "Virtual ceremony" or celebration for the school at a later ...
Social Distance FRONT PORCH PORTRAIT Ideas!
We wanted to share this great idea for generating income while everyone is stuck at home! One of our awesome CCS customers, Matt Nassif (Joe Photo Tampa), is having great luck with taking FRONT PORCH PORTRAITS right now! It's a DIFFERENT, creative idea and it has been very successful for him this past week, booking ...
Webinar Recording from Monday, April 13
Graduation Solutions Webinar Recording If you missed Monday's webinar, you can watch the recording here. Plus, click here for the Graduation Presentation Powerpoint. Today's webinar covered the recently announced solutions for postponed and cancelled commencements including all of our virtual ceremony tools. We had: Personal Achievement Graphics (PAG) $.59 each when ordered in bulk (JPGs) ...
Important Message for our CCS Community
We at CCS, like all of you, have been watching the news and reading updates about the Covid-19 virus. While we believe that overall the chance of infection is relatively low, we also believe very strongly in a sense of community. We are committed to our work family, to our broader community in Oklahoma and ...
New Retail Website Changes Coming!
To make improvements on the retail website, CCS hired a consultant who is known in the industry as one of the best web designers. This person has contracts with Dell to do their websites so we knew we were in good hands. In working with this person we spent time pouring over 21 similar websites ...
CORE Software Updates
During the CCS Winter Meetings, Kim Kelley shared some of the latest CORE features. As a refresher here are a handful of the top updates we're excited about: Since March, everyone is now working on the new (blue) version of CORE. We now have shorter text message URLs, which allows you more room to incorporate a ...
CCS Update 2020: Response to Coronavirus
Like many of you, we have been learning about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it is impacting our world, our country, our CCS business, our customers, and our employees. In Oklahoma City, we are focused on keeping our employees safe and being able to deliver products for our customers. With that in mind, we have ...
CCS Update – Party Pics Now
We are always looking for ways to help our CCS customers increase their income. We know that many of you have access to book and shoot social events presently. CCS’ latest tool can make it more profitable for you. CCS has been involved in social photography since our beginning years ago. We have always photographed ...